See How The World’s Historical Figures Actually Looked Like

Published on 11/24/2021

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I reigned over England and Ireland from 1558 to 1603. Anne Boleyn was the daughter of King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Elizabeth became illegitimate after their marriage was annulled. She had to wait a few years before she was able to take the throne. There were numerous paintings depicting her appearance. In 2018, Mat Collishaw, on the other hand, decided to take matters into his own hands.

Queen Elizabeth I

Queen Elizabeth I


What Queen Elizabeth I Really Looked Like

The concept culminated in a hyper-realistic animatronic mask with a moving mouth and eyes that followed you around. This mask, which is on exhibit in the Queen’s House, is attached to a mirror. The Armada Portrait, which represents Elizabeth in her prime even though she was 55 at the time it was created, is direct across from it. The mask depicts the Virgin Queen’s appearance during the time. Surprisingly, it’s not too dissimilar to the portraits!

What Queen Elizabeth I Really Looked Like

What Queen Elizabeth I Really Looked Like