Top 30 Most Popular Paused Moments In Film History

Published on 06/02/2020

Three Men and a Baby (1987)

So the storyline of Three Men and Baby’s is not the most bizarre thing about the film but maybe the fact that Leonard Nimoy (aka Star Trek‘s Spock) was its director…go figure! So which iconic scene led people to grab for their remote controls to hit pause and rewind? Let alone the weird plot that follows three bachelors who strangely discover a baby on their doorstep and then raise it together. But wait, the oddest part of the film is definitely the scene where Ted Danson and his character’s mother look happily at the baby, as someone stared back at him through a set of window drapes. So many thought it was a ghost, however, it was actually said that it was a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson that was mistakenly left on set.

Three Men and a Baby (1987)