Man Finds Wolf In His Coyote Trap, What He Did Next Would Surprise You

Published on 08/19/2021

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt may have been the president, but was also a fan of the outdoors and a big-game hunter too. Here you can see him with a hunted bull elephant in 1909, surely one of the biggest kills he’s made.

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt

Roosevelt once admitted to partaking in hunting  because it gave him such a thrill. Even after his time in office, he went on a controversial hunting trip. Roosevelt killed hundreds of animals; from fish and birds to black rhinos, an animal now critically endangered.


The Presidential Sons

Former President Trump’s sons Eric and Donald Jr. are big hunters, a fact that has landed them in hot water on occasion. They have been harassed by animal rights activists many times for this controversial hobby.

The Presidential Sons

The Presidential Sons

We know that wild exotic animals can draw up curiosity, but hunting like this doesn’t sit well with many, for good reason.