You Will Be Surprised When You See What These Heroes And Villains Look Like Behind The Mask

Published on 06/18/2020

Dormammu — Benedict Cumberbatch

Isn’t it interesting that Deadpool pretty much faced himself while battling Juggernaut? The truth is that this also happened to Doctor Strange! Benedict Cumberbatch also lent his voice and facial expressions to Dormammu. It turns out that it was his idea. He explained, “I went, ‘Look, if this is going to work, rather than being a big ghoulish monster, if it’s some kind of reflection of him — if it’s something that he’s giving that’s coming back at him in a really horrific way, that would be fun! … a lot of the animation is sort of like a mirror reflection, a rippled mirror reflection, of him, of Strange.”

Dormammu — Benedict Cumberbatch

Dormammu — Benedict Cumberbatch