This story revolves around the beautiful history of love that Bobby and Cheryl had shared for the past 40 years. There were couples who looked up to them because their relationship was really strong to last that long. Despite all the positive comments about their relationship, there was a flaw that nobody, not even the couple, had seen it coming – well, I am not really sure if Bobby did not see it coming because he was the only one who knew. He had a little secret about his past and he did not even bother to tell his wife about it during all of those years that they had. Keep on reading to discover Bobby’s little skeleton in the closet.
Not Your Typical Morning
It all started in one morning which happened in the month of January 2015. Cheryl happened to wake up first, leaving her husband who was still in his dreamland in their bed. She was already about to make a flavorsome breakfast for their family until she heard a knock coming from their front door. She was kind of expecting a neighbor or a family relative who suddenly came to visit them but the person who dropped by was the police.