Top 30 Most Popular Paused Moments In Film History

Published on 06/02/2020

Titanic (1997)

Titanic has left its audiences in a state of hysteria ever since it was released in 1997. The film includes both a mighty romance and disaster all in the middle of the North Atlantic water.  The movie has developed from a blockbuster phenomenon to something more like a cultural wonder that has won the hearts of countless people. Not to brag but this film won 11 Oscar awards which truly shows its excellence. How can you not get carried away by the love story between socialite Rose and poor sketch-artist Jack? As a fan of his artwork, Rose adores his images of naked women in Paris. so she asks him to draw her in what leads to the most paused scene of the film. But what follows is that she then sleeps with him in the back of a very foggy car. Later on in the film, the drawing plays an essential part in the story once it’s discovered from the ship wreckage many years later.

Titanic (1997)