Top 30 Most Popular Paused Moments In Film History

Published on 06/02/2020

Fight Club (1999)

Perhaps you are wondering what could be the most paused moment in Fight Club. But don’t let your mind wander too far, its not one of those borderline pornographic scenes. In actual fact, its when Brad Pitt appears on the screen before his character is even introduced in the plot. It’s definitely not that difficult to miss these moments because it is really quick, and if you blink for a second it’ll be gone. And if you didn’t know, Pitt actually features in the film six different times before his character Tyler first meets the narrator on the plane. Here’s a possible spoiler- you can see him as one of the waiters in the TV commercial early on, and you can catch him in the scene where the narrator is making photocopies and leaving the doctor’s office.  

Fight Club (1999)