Fascinating Facts You Never Knew About The IQ’s Of U.S. Presidents

Published on 10/03/2021

McKinley’s Assassination

Leopold Czolgosz, an anarchist, shot President William McKinley twice in the belly on September 6, 1901, killing him both times. At the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, there was a performance of the song. Although he was concerned about this specific event, the president’s secretary was successful in convincing him not to proceed with the trip on two separate occasions. McKinley succumbed to his injuries eight days after the shooting.

McKinleys Assassination

McKinley’s Assassination


Grover Cleveland – 144

With an IQ of 144, Grover Cleveland came dangerously close to being among the top 50 percent of all presidents during his time in office. Grover Cleveland was President of the United States for two terms, the first of which lasted from 1885 to 1889. He, on the other hand, did not serve consecutive terms because he was defeated in his first reelection effort in 1892 but was later reelected in 1893. Republican conservatives liked his fiscal policy as well as his determination to see political reform implemented. When Cleveland was elected to his second term, he faced with the Panic of 1893, which turned out to be a major economic disaster, as well as the Pullman Strike of 1894, which was a gigantic train strike that affected the entire country. As his forefathers arrived in Massachusetts, he was a descendant of one of the families that had been among the first to make the journey from Europe to the new world. Cleveland’s biographer lauded him for his public speaking abilities, saying: “The qualities that distinguished him were: honesty, boldness, firmness, independence, and common sense. However, he possessed them in a way that other men did not “….. Despite Cleveland’s less popular second term, some historians consider him to be one of the best presidents the United States has ever had.

Grover Cleveland

Grover Cleveland