It is obvious that not everyone is skilled when it comes to parking. Usually, people would park away from their destination or other people’s cars until they improve their parking skills, and car insurance companies usually are not fond of that. However, there are those who simply do not care and would just park wherever and however they want. People who do such things have a say regarding that matter, but you know how the saying goes about karma.
Threat Of A Monster Truck Owner
You can be certain that something bad has happened if ever you see any notes on the windshield of your car. Notes like these usually come from people who have either hit your car or people who are generally unhappy about the way you park (which is what happened in this case). An owner of a monster truck had his driveway blocked by someone. Naturally, a monster truck owner would be fine in crushing someone else’s car, but the truck owner decided to leave a note instead.

Threat Of A Monster Truck Owner