Find Out Which Celebrities Have Their Very Own Private Islands

Published on 06/17/2020

Dean Kamen – North Dumpling, $2.5 Million

Dean Kames made a fortune when he came up with the Segway. He has been so successful that he now leads a luxurious life and owns an island of two acres in New York. Called the North Dumpling Island, you will find a replica of the Stonehenge over there. In the mid-19th century, it was owned by John Winthrop. However, the federal government acquired it and put up the North Dumpling Lighthouse over there. In 2019, Dean was reported to have a fortune of $500 million. Aside from inventing the Segway, he is also a co-founder of FIRST< which is a non-profit youth organization.

Dean Kamen – North Dumpling, $2.5 Million

Dean Kamen – North Dumpling, $2.5 Million