There is no doubt that these stories of kind and loving teachers melted our hearts. After all, who wouldn’t be touched by what these teachers did? This leads us to our next story, where this time, the teacher wasn’t as kind as the previous ones we’ve talked about. As Kamdyn Piland came home teary-eyed and distraught from school, his parents were concerned. As they attempted to find out what was wrong with the small boy, the 2nd-grader made light of the situation and attempted to shrug it off. His parents kept asking him what was bothering him until he finally gave them a piece of paper with a scathing remark from his teacher written on it.
Unhelpful Piece Of Criticism
When Chris, Kamdyn’s father, read the note, he realized that it was not a good thing to read, especially coming from a teacher! Indeed, the note appeared to be a personal attack on his son! He was not going to let it go, just like any father would after receiving a demeaning remark directed at their child. Let’s see what the teacher had to say about Kamdyn after the father’s response went viral.

Unhelpful Piece Of Criticism