It’s critical to get your morning off to a good start at home. Your morning can easily lose momentum if you fail to set and maintain the tone before you even get into the office/workplace. Lucky for you, we have discovered some great tips to get your day off to a meaningful start. A good morning routine may make or break your day. The key is to be intentional about your mornings, realizing that they are valuable and should be treated with respect.
Whether you naturally wake up alert and productive or with the mental capacity of a zombie, here are some of the most effective ways to begin your day that will help you improve your morning routine and the rest of your day.

The Best Tips On How To Start Your Day
Stay In Bed A Little Bit Longer
Although it may appear counterintuitive, this is one of the most effective ways to begin your day. Allowing yourself to gradually acclimate to the reality of needing to get out of bed makes getting out of bed much easier.
The “getting out of bed” phase of waking up and getting out of bed is the most difficult component for many people. So, don’t bother… for the time being. Before you leave the house, spend around 10 minutes snuggling up under the blankets- your later-self will thank you for it!
Sleep With Your Blinds Open
Don’t hide from the sun; it’s the finest way to naturally wake up your body. This will make the shift from night to morning much easier! It’s difficult to go from pitch-black night to brilliant light (especially first thing in the morning), so make it easier on yourself by keeping your blinds partially open. This will make waking up to your alarm clock a little less jarring.
Morning Stretch
Although this may appear to be one of the most obvious ways to start your day, many people overlook it. You can’t expect your body to be warmed up, invigorated, and ready to go right away after sleeping for so many hours. You can stretch in bed by simply stretching your legs and arms upwards, or you can get out of bed and stretch while standing – whichever feels best for you.
Meditation, if you haven’t heard, is fantastic. And it’s not just hippie nonsense anymore, science actually backs up the benefits of regular meditation. It can help reduce anxiety, increase concentration levels, and reduce the annoying chattering thoughts that occupy your mind. It’s beneficial to meditate first thing in the morning since it can help you start your day on a more grounded, pleasant note. There is plenty of evidence out there that meditation can make you a better leader, so you aren’t just doing it for yourself, but rather the entire team.
Drink Lemon Water
Lemons are nutrient-dense, containing high levels of potassium, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Drinking lemon water as soon as you wake up boosts your physical and mental energy levels. Lemon water improves nutrition absorption in the stomach, keeping you energized all day. To ensure complete absorption, drink it first thing in the morning (on an empty stomach). You should also wait 15-30 minutes before eating after drinking it (perfect time to squeeze in some exercise). However, if you don’t mix the juice with water, it will hurt your teeth, so ensure that you do this.
Take the first 10 minutes after waking up to either reflect on the previous day’s events or plan out what you want to do for the day ahead. Journaling is a terrific way to cleanse your mind before the start of the workday when combined with meditation, and the act of writing makes you feel more in control.
Exercising early thing in the morning ensures that you have time for it throughout the day, as well as improving your self-control and energy levels. GABA, a neurotransmitter that calms your brain and keeps you in control of your impulses, is released when you move your body for just 10 minutes. It’s one of our favorite ways to get things done in the morning. If you run out of time before going to work, there are lots of workouts you can do at your desk.
Avoid Screens Until Breakfast
When you get right into e-mails, texts, and Facebook, you lose concentration and your morning becomes consumed by other people’s desires and needs — a frenetic way to begin the day. It’s far healthier to spend those initial few moments of the day doing something calming that establishes a peaceful, good tone for the rest of the day.
A Full Breakfast
One of the most productive ways to start the day is to eat anything for breakfast. Breakfast eaters are less likely to be obese, their blood sugar levels are steadier and they are less hungry throughout the day. A nutritious meal boosts your energy levels, enhances your short-term memory, and allows you to focus more intensely and for longer periods of time.