These People With Doubtful Morals Share Their Life-Saving Tips

Published on 08/23/2021
These People With Doubtful Morals Share Their Life-Saving Tips

These People With Doubtful Morals Share Their Life-Saving Tips

Life isn’t all rainbows and sunshine. People will occasionally do questionable things to achieve their goals. Whether this is regarded as right or wrong depends on whom you ask, but it is something that some people do. Today, we’re going to get a little further. For the record, nothing particularly horrible will be documented. Let us consider some of the shady lives of persons who have questionable morals in this regard.

A trick at movie theaters

We don’t know about you, but we like going to the movies during the off-season. It can be exciting to sit at a packed movie theater, but it can also be a tremendous nuisance.

A Trick At Movie Theaters

A Trick At Movie Theaters

Kicking your feet up on the seat in front of you might help you relax. Pouring your drink all over the seat is a sleazy approach to get the job done. If you look at it that way, it at the very least offers the folks cleaning the theater something to do.

Getting out of an event

You don’t feel like doing anything some days. You don’t want to work, socialize with your friends, or talk on the phone, for example. Instead, you want to go home and relax in your favorite chair or couch.

Getting Out Of An Event

Getting Out Of An Event

People always seem to want to contact you at these times to ask you to do something. However, you don’t want to say no because you’ll feel bad (not everyone). So why not just take a picture of your “flat tire” and send it to them? That does sound like a reasonable excuse.

A compliment for the wrong reasons

Some people have a way of getting under your skin. It can happen to anyone. You try to give everyone a chance, but there are some people with whom you will never get along. The situation can be made even worse if that person is a friend of one of your best friends.

A Compliment For The Wrong Reasons

A Compliment For The Wrong Reasons

We will not make a judgment call on whether or not this is right or wrong in this case. Instead, consider this: there are certainly worse ways for someone to approach the situation than described.

Going to Starbucks

They’d get the rare girl who doesn’t drink coffee, knowing some people’s luck. Of course, there are other reasons to visit Starbucks besides coffee, but it’s clear that’s what they’re known for.

Going To Starbucks

Going To Starbucks

Finally, it’s difficult to go wrong when you end up taking someone to Starbucks. Not to mention the fact that a cup of hot coffee can help you remember things first thing in the morning. There are a plethora of reasons why this is a good idea.

This one’s just not right

We must give credit where credit is due; some people are extremely resourceful when it comes to earning a few extra dollars. Without a doubt, the morals of this situation are easily questioned (which is kind of the point).

This One’s Just Not Right

This One’s Just Not Right

In the grand scheme of things, it’s not the worst way we’ve seen people make some extra cash. But, at the end of the day, the question remains. Is it really correct just because no one has ever figured it out?

Getting a free game

Yes, there is a way to obtain a free game in this manner. Even so, you must first pay for it. It’s worth noting, nevertheless, that not every manufacturer will send you a new copy of their software.

Getting A Free Game

Getting A Free Game

Some of them may try to help you troubleshoot the issue. In this case, you might as well end the conversation to avoid further embarrassment. Who knows, maybe you’ll get a free game in the end. After that, just don’t resell it illegally.

Trying to get a deal

In the grand scheme of things, this one isn’t half bad. However, the truth is that some people on Craigslist list their items for sale at absurdly high prices. Perhaps they want a little wiggle room for negotiations or something, which is understandable. It happens in either case.

Trying To Get A Deal

Trying To Get A Deal

As a result, putting this method into action to try to get a good deal for yourself is not too corrupt. Of course, there’s no guarantee that it will work, but it might be worth a try just to see what happens.

Getting past the lines

If you’ve ever visited a major theme park, such as Disneyland, you know how ridiculous the wait times for some of the major attractions can be. We’re talking hours here, and waiting that long can be extremely inconvenient.

Getting Past The Lines

Getting Past The Lines

In fact, it can often harm the overall experience because you feel like you’re standing in line the entire time. Obtaining a disabled person can assist in resolving this issue. Furthermore, you can give disabled people the time of their lives. It’s a win-win situation.

Getting a free Starbucks order

To tell you the truth, you could probably do this anywhere. That is, as long as your guilt doesn’t drive you insane later (as it did us). Furthermore, this would most likely work better if the establishment was packed and extremely busy.

Getting A Free Starbucks Order

Getting A Free Starbucks Order

It would be less likely that your order would be taken if only a few customers were in the store. Listen to us; we’re sitting here trying to figure out what to do. We’re starting to get infected by this list.

Talking on the phone

It is said that lying is never a moral act. However, when it comes to protecting someone’s feelings, lying isn’t always as bad as it sounds. For example, let’s say you’re on the phone with someone.

Talking On The Phone

Talking On The Phone

If you really don’t want to talk to them for whatever reason, tell them right away that your phone is about to die. They may point it out to you. They will, however, most likely understand and get to the point of their discussion.

Get out of the way

Getting through crowds of people can be a difficult task. You try to be as courteous as possible while doing so. People, on the other hand, don’t always like to move out of the way. Screaming, “I’m going to puke,” is one way to get through them as quickly as possible.

Get Out Of The Way

Get Out Of The Way

Suppose someone screamed that at us; we’d get out of there as quickly as possible. Getting covered in vomit is a surefire way to sabotage an otherwise fantastic evening. If you ask us, it’s a little gross.

Some red flags here

Yes, we’ll be “that guy” who picks apart this situation. First, however, we’d like to point out a few red flags that we’ve noticed. First and foremost, if you are caught by a police car while doing this, your entire plan will be foiled.

Some Red Flags Here

Some Red Flags Here

Second of all, is anyone going to buy this? A car with a fake license plate will almost certainly be noticed by police and security personnel. We’ve made our case now that we’ve sucked all the fun out of this one.

Lower prices for the win

Oh man, this is insanely clever. Furthermore, it isn’t the worst thing we’ve ever seen in the grand scheme of things. This will now only work in electronics stores that have open-box clearance sections.

Lower prices for the win

Lower prices for the win

Purchasing an item, opening it, returning it, and returning to purchase the same item at a reduced price is quite a scheme. Simply make sure that the same cashier does not witness your purchase, and you should be fine.

Cheaper than parking

However, in practice, this will only make sense if the cost of the tire rotation service is less than the cost of parking. If this is not the case, the entire concept becomes meaningless. For this section, let us assume that this is correct.

Cheaper Than Parking

Cheaper Than Parking

However, we must wonder when parking will be that expensive. If you live in a big city or like to go to many special events, this might be useful. It’s not a bad strategy to try out.

Free breakfast in the morning

Free food is one of the few things in the world that attracts people’s attention. So when someone asks if they want to come to a gathering, they almost always respond with the question, “Will there be food there?”

Free Breakfast In The Morning

Free Breakfast In The Morning

Free food is tempting, and snatching a continental breakfast from a hotel is one way to get it. However, to avoid suspicion, make sure it’s a busy hotel, as shown in the photo.

Not a lot to lose

The way this one works is actually quite fascinating. When you consider how many emails event organizers must receive to get everything ready for their big events, it’s easy to see how someone could get away with something like this.

Not A Lot To Lose

Not A Lot To Lose

In this case, using a temporary email account would also prevent anything from happening to your actual email account. Sure, this isn’t going to work every single time, but you never know when you’ll strike gold.

Grace periods for car garages

The majority of parking garages will have grace periods. These grace periods can be used for various reasons, including allowing drivers to leave without paying if they couldn’t find a parking spot.

Grace Periods For Car Garages

Grace Periods For Car Garages

Having said that, not every parking garage will issue tickets. Those who do will have to pay a fee to enter. People can, however, take advantage of the grace periods to avoid paying. To be honest, we don’t think this would work very often.

A surplus of flowers

We’re going to say it as long as the flowers aren’t picked from actual gravestones. Flowers are frequently placed near gravestones for special significance, so people should keep that in mind. It can be devastating to learn that your flowers have been stolen, as you never know how much sentimental value they hold.

A Surplus Of Flowers

A Surplus Of Flowers

Flowers placed around the graveyard, on the other hand, would be a more appropriate choice. Aside from that, you can often find some gorgeous flowers growing in the area.

It might void the warranty

It always depends on the manufacturer or store you’re dealing with when it comes to products and returns. The majority of products come with warranties. However, there will be times when these warranties are rendered void.

It Might Void The Warranty

It Might Void The Warranty

Some products, for example, will not be able to be returned if you are the cause of the damage. It all depends on the company and what they require. To put it another way, we’re advising people to tread carefully with this one.

Taking advantage of the system

This is a trick we’re pretty sure store owners would despise. We’re just describing what you see in the picture, to be honest. On this one, we’re not going to give you any advice.

Taking Advantage Of The System

Taking Advantage Of The System

When you only have a few items, waiting in a long line to check out can be inconvenient. Self-checkout systems solve this problem. These systems, however, are not without flaws and are frequently exploited. This is an example, as you can see from the picture.

It’s nice to have kids

Many people are afraid of having children. They are, without a doubt, a significant commitment. Of course, everything changes when children enter the picture, but it’s usually a worthwhile experience.

It’s Nice To Have Kids

It’s Nice To Have Kids

Though life with children can be challenging at times, it can also be gratifying. Getting cheaper meals at buffets and other places is one of the options. Money does not grow on trees, and some people will go to any length to save money on purchases.

Adding more luggage

If you’ve ever flown, you’re probably familiar with the frustrations of dealing with the luggage system. You can only take so much in your carry-on luggage. However, there are times when you want to take more but simply do not have space in your bag.

Adding More Luggage

Adding More Luggage

Visiting the airport’s gift shop can be a great way to free up some space in your carry-on luggage. Simply request the gift bag to free up some space in your closet. Okay, this is definitely something we’ll try the next time we’re in an airport.

Leasing clothes

When you think about it, this is essentially the same as renting clothes. In the same way that you wouldn’t own a car if you leased one, you won’t actually own the clothes you buy. This is a fantastic idea for those who don’t want to spend a lot of money on clothing but still want to look fashionable.

Leasing Clothes

Leasing Clothes

It’s important to remember never to wash your clothing while using this strategy. When clothes have been washed, retailers are more likely than not to accept them back for a refund.

Good time to get a car

It’s all about timing a lot of the time in life. The same is true when it comes to purchasing a new vehicle. You can often get a good deal on a car if you find someone desperate to sell it.

Good Time To Get A Car

Good Time To Get A Car

For instance, when a family is attempting to tie up all loose ends following the death of a loved one. There’s no need to feel bad about it; it’s a win-win situation for everyone. But, on the other hand, if the family is trying to figure out what to do with their owned vehicles, they may want to sell as soon as possible.

Using the restroom

Let’s just say that using public restrooms isn’t always the best idea. Some businesses and organizations maintain clean and opulent restrooms, and those are always the best to visit. Expensive hotels, for example, will almost certainly have public bathrooms that will make even the most nervous guests feel at ease.

Using The Restroom

Using The Restroom

They’ll probably be better than any other bathroom you’ve ever visited. Some are likely to be so good that you’ll feel compelled to use the restroom just to see them.

Pennies for quarters

Laundry in a public location can be quite costly. This is particularly true if you’re doing laundry for a large family. Let’s just say that it can be an expensive trip. When you exchange quarters for pennies, however, the price drops dramatically.

Pennies For Quarters

Pennies For Quarters

We’ll just assume that this strategy doesn’t work very often. It doesn’t even make sense, given that quarters are clearly larger than pennies. Machines, on the other hand, can be strange.

Who knows what’s in the mug

Everyone on the other end of the video call will have no idea what you’re drinking from the mug you’re using. Any beverage can be poured into the container without being filtered, from soda pop to coffee to milk.

Who Knows What’s In The Mug

Who Knows What’s In The Mug

Of course, you can follow in the footsteps of this gentleman. He did it for a video conference, so hopefully, he didn’t go overboard. There’s no reason to be fired for something so insignificant. On the other hand, some businesses are probably quite strict about how video conference calls are conducted.

Reading subscription sites for free

In fact, some websites require you to subscribe to their subscription packages to view and enjoy their content. However, there are times when you really want to know what’s on a specific page but don’t want to sign up.

Reading Subscription Sites For Free

Reading Subscription Sites For Free

One way to do so for free is to delete the cookies on your web browser. To be clear, this is not a reference to actual chocolate chip cookies. Those, by the way, sound absolutely fantastic right now. So we certainly don’t want to get rid of them.

Still using the universities’ discount

One of the benefits of going to college is that you often get significant discounts on certain items (often related to school). You’ll find that many of the same discounts apply even after you graduate. This isn’t such a bad thing when you think about it.

Still Using The Universities’ Discount

Still Using The Universities’ Discount

By attending a specific university, you are giving them a large sum of money and recognition. We think it’s great that you can take advantage of the discounts you’ve been given. However, it’s also not as if attending university is inexpensive.

It’s all about the plan

The idea of sitting in a movie theater all day watching movies isn’t appealing to everyone. Of course, some people would jump at the chance to do so, but even die-hard movie theater fans would admit that it would eventually become too much.

It’s All About The Plan

It’s All About The Plan

However, doing it only once will likely suffice. The most important aspect of this will be to plan out the movie theater’s schedule. It will take some time and effort.

Time is everything

It’s one of the oldest clichés in the book, but it holds every time. In most businesses, time is money, and the faster you can get things done, the better. Yes, shoddy execution is not worth it in exchange for a faster pace. It’s all about flawless execution as quickly as possible.

Time Is Everything

Time Is Everything

All of this is to say that it makes sense for a company like Chipotle to implement something like this. Many of you are probably now wondering how to prevent your debit card from authorizing.

Family is the top priority

For the most part, adults work for their lives. It’s a bit of a depressing realization, to be honest. But, on the other hand, it adds to the importance of finding something you like to do. Anyway, when you come back to the subject, days off are often seen as a blessing.

Family Is The Top Priority

Family Is The Top Priority

However, your body may occasionally require additional rest (both physically and mentally). Some workplaces, on the other hand, are less accommodating when it comes to requesting time off. Even so, when it comes to family issues, it can sometimes work.

Living in a noisy neighborhood

When purchasing a home, one of the factors that are often hard to predict is the neighborhood. So yes, you can do some study on the city where you’re considering relocating.

Living In A Noisy Neighborhood

Living In A Noisy Neighborhood

However, predicting your immediate neighbors can be a little more difficult. It can be aggravating if you happen to live in an area where there are many noisy kids almost all of the time. This is just one of the many options available to you.

Not very good at lying

We’re confident that many of you reading this right now know at least one person who isn’t great at lying. People who lie exist in the world, regardless of the circumstances. Some people are better at it than others, as some people are simply too guilty to pull it off.

Not Very Good At Lying

Not Very Good At Lying

It is possible for people who end up being horrendously bad at lying (or pretending to be bad at lying) to reach a point where no one can tell that they are actually lying. So, yes, that makes perfect sense.

The priorities are evident

Obviously, the hope is that you will never be involved in an accident. But, unfortunately, you can’t predict what will happen in this world, as we all know. Because everyone is dealt a different hand, it’s critical to prepare for the worst-case scenario. As a result, this is an excellent way to prepare for a fatal accident.

The Priorities Are Evident

The Priorities Are Evident

Paramedics are hoped to do everything they can to assist all parties involved to save as many lives as possible. And we can only assume that the vast majority of those working in this field share this viewpoint.

Be careful regardless

The moral of this “hack” is that it’s critical to stay safe while driving home late at night after night out at the bar. Having a designated driver who is capable of safely transporting everyone home is always a good idea.

Be Careful Regardless

Be Careful Regardless

This is a fun little trick, but it can also go horribly wrong. The point is to make light of how much pizza people want on Friday and Saturday nights, but there must always be boundaries.

Not paying for your drinks

It’s usually considered a successful night if you can go to a public place and get something for free. Going to a country concert and dressing up as a military member to get free drinks demonstrates the level of respect that military veterans are accorded.

Not Paying For Your Drinks

Not Paying For Your Drinks

That is understandable, given that those men and women put their lives on the line to defend their country. It’s something that not everyone is suited for, and it’s wonderful that some are.

Amazon to the rescue

At the end of the day, it appears that you can find almost anything on Amazon. We’re starting to believe that the site sells time machine devices so that you can order one from them. On the other hand, it’s hard to believe that you can order the key to the apartment’s public washer and dryer.

Amazon To The Rescue

Amazon To The Rescue

For this to be feasible, the lock must be a universal model, which is the only way we can imagine it being possible. But, hey, it’s a win for the person who just hacked the washer and dryer.

Prison or a life of fulfillment

Let’s face it; there aren’t many advantages to debating whether or not to rob a bank. It’s simply not a wise decision, and it’s not as simple as the movies make it appear. However, here’s another way to look at it:

Prison Or A Life Of Fulfillment

Prison Or A Life Of Fulfillment

You’ll either be rich or imprisoned for the next ten years. As the caption implies, you won’t have to worry about food or rent for that period of time in either case. What’s more, I think this one speaks for itself.

Probably better ways to go about it

Yes, that’s all we’re going to say about this one. There are probably several better approaches to this situation. But, to make light of the situation, it’s a very clever way to get your point across to your significant other.

Probably Better Ways To Go About It

Probably Better Ways To Go About It

Breakups are never easy to deal with, and no one would argue with that. It appears that a simple conversation would eradicate the need for this to be a thing. But that is just our opinion.

Allowed to leave due to technicalities

Even though he died decades ago, we are all familiar with Alan Turing and his contributions to computer science and mathematics. The Imitation Game, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, was recently released as a biopic about him.

Allowed To Leave Due To Technicalities

Allowed To Leave Due To Technicalities

Did you know that Turing could resign from the military because he couldn’t agree with the terms and conditions? It’s actually quite fascinating that it went unnoticed as well. He was, however, able to leave the military whenever he desired. But, kids, don’t try this at home.

How to print for free at college

At the beginning of each semester, most universities and colleges provide students with a free printing allowance. Fortunately, it is included in the thousands of dollars students pay to study there.

How To Print For Free At College

How To Print For Free At College

If you’re one of those people who always exceeds their quota, however, we’ve got the perfect solution for you. Simply plug the printer into your computer the next time you’re on campus. This way, you can print without affecting your quota by bypassing the university’s system. You can now print to your heart’s content using this method.

How Converse is paying fewer taxes

Large companies, such as Converse, spend a significant amount of money attempting to reduce their tax liability. We had assumed, however, that it would include offshore accounts and complicated financial transactions.

How Converse Is Paying Less Taxes

How Converse Is Paying Fewer Taxes

Converse’s use of a technicality to pay taxes, on the other hand, is brilliant. They even went the extra mile and added a thin layer of felt to make them feel like slippers. Is that the reason they’re so cozy? It appears that we’ve finally figured out why. But, we’re not going to lie: that is pretty impressive.

How to get $200 textbook for free

It’s incredible how outrageously expensive college textbooks can become. Given the high cost of college tuition, we believe they should be provided for free. However, if you do need to purchase an exorbitantly priced textbook, we’ve figured out how to get it for free.

How To Get $200 Textbook For Free

How To Get $200 Textbook For Free

If the textbook’s publisher offers a free trial, simply screenshot all of the pages and cancel the trial. Unless you need to use the homework software that comes with most textbooks, this method is ideal.

Use trial software forever for free

This tip necessitates advanced computer knowledge and is thus not suitable for everyone. However, given the amount of money you can save, we believe it is well worth the effort.

Use Trial Software Forever For Free

Use Trial Software Forever For Free

It’s amazing how easy it is to find software that can do almost anything on the internet. However, you can simply download the trial version for free and use it on a virtual machine indefinitely. Essentially, you can use virtual machines to clone your operating system, allowing you to use the software indefinitely.

How they got their scholarship for college

This isn’t even an unethical hack. In fact, we think it’s brilliant and illustrates how dedicated this person was. They applied for a scholarship that was only open to students from a restructured district, as you can see. It’s actually quite remarkable that they still have that scholarship even though the changes occurred nearly fifty years ago.

How They Got Their Scholarship For College

How They Got Their Scholarship For College

We believe this person deserved the scholarship because of the level of creativity required to come up with something like this. In addition, they’re fortunate in that they won’t have to worry about student debt as much.

If you don’t feel like working today

You can find many amusing tips and tricks on the internet to help you get out of work. While many of these tricks may cost people their jobs, that hasn’t deterred them from attempting them.

If You Don’t Feel Like Working Today

If You Don’t Feel Like Working Today

It’s almost as if they work harder to avoid working. This person figured out that if they spent all day in the conference room pretending to be on hold, they could avoid working that day. If someone inquires as to what you’re up to, simply respond that you’re frustrated. While it’s never a good idea, we think this one could work out.

Harry Houdini is unstoppable

It’s no surprise that Harry Houdini, the legendary escape artist, an illusionist, is on this list. What’s more intriguing is that he’s not here for any of his magic tricks but rather for a technicality that he managed to avoid. Houdini wanted to patent his famous “Chinese water torture cell,” but he realized he’d have to reveal the trick to do so.

Harry Houdini Is Unstoppable

Harry Houdini Is Unstoppable

Because Houdini was not one to be slowed down by such insignificant difficulties, he performed the show and had it copyrighted so that he would not have to reveal his secret. That is pure brilliance on your part.

The best-dressed baby on Google

By submitting a photo of a random baby they found online, this person won a photo contest for “best dressed baby.” But, unfortunately, the rules didn’t specify that they had to be the baby’s photo, and no one bothered to double-check. So we’re undecided on how to feel about this one.

The Best Dressed Baby On Google

The Best Dressed Baby On Google

Most people will not be happy if they find out that’s how they lost the photo contest. However, since it isn’t technically cheating, we suppose it doesn’t matter. We hope the reward was well worth the effort.

In case you missed garbage day

Isn’t it aggravating when you forget about garbage day and the bags start to pile up? If you live in an area with apartment complexes and condominiums, don’t worry; we’ve discovered the perfect solution to this fairly common problem. It’s not even a trick; it’s that easy. You’ll almost certainly be able to use the unlocked dumpsters in those buildings.

In Case You Missed Garbage Day

In Case You Missed Garbage Day

No one is likely to say anything, and you can simply pretend for a few seconds that you are actually a resident of the area. So give it a shot; you might be pleasantly surprised.

The best kind of discount

It’s widespread for fashion brands to offer “buy one, get one” (BOGO) deals, implying that customers get a second item for free. So even if you only want to return one of the items, most companies will expect you to return both of them.

The Best Kind Of Discount

The Best Kind Of Discount

That said, it never hurts to try, and as this person discovered, the company let them keep the free item, which they actually received for free. We’re curious as to how many people shopped there solely to pull off this little ruse.

Staplers to the rescue

To be honest, we never encourage rummaging through other people’s belongings, especially at work. However, keep an empty stapler in your hand if you can’t resist the impulse to poke around.

Staplers To The Rescue

Staplers To The Rescue

You can just act like you’re looking for staples this way. Most people won’t even blink if you and that person won’t have a public feud. However, try to remain as unobtrusive as possible. If you are caught, you could face serious consequences.

Because “Froot” is not a real word

Would you expect sugary breakfast cereal for kids to be the epitome of a healthy and nutritious breakfast? Unfortunately, some people believe that the popular breakfast cereal brand “Froot Loops” does not contain any fruit. In fact, Kellogg’s, the company that makes them, has been sued on several occasions for failing to include fruit in their cereal.

Because “Froot” Is Not A Real Word

Because “Froot” Is Not A Real Word

The judges have consistently ruled in favor of the company. Their reasoning is amusing: because “froot” is not a real word, it is unreasonable to expect it actually to contain any fruit.

How to get free parking on campus

Parking costs a lot of money, especially when you’re a student. However, by befriending an older person, this student discovered that you could get it for free. If only a few people use this hack, we believe it is ideal.

How To Get Free Parking On Campus

How To Get Free Parking On Campus

Do we want all the older people in the neighborhood to be stalked by college students all of a sudden? That being said, it’s pretty incredible, and we think it’ll work perfectly. But, on the other hand, it’s debatable in terms of ethics.

The only perk of working at McDonald’s

Most people agree that McDonald’s employees exemplify all of the reasons why a “living wage” minimum wage is necessary. It’s no surprise, given that they’re constantly overworked and underpaid. Employees at McDonald’s, on the other hand, enjoy a variety of other benefits. For example, you can also take advantage of the company’s promotional programs to your advantage.

The Only Perk Of Working At McDonald’s

The Only Perk Of Working At McDonald’s

This person, for example, literally collected $1 scratch-off cards from the trash and used them to get a free laptop. That’s incredible! They had to be desperate for that laptop.

Exploring Seattle in a U-Haul truck

The majority of states have laws stating that you must be 25 years old to rent a car. But, on the other hand, this person was not going to let any of those rules keep them from having a good time. They even discovered a fantastic loophole that is actually quite useful.

Exploring Seattle In A U Haul Truck

Exploring Seattle In A U Haul Truck

As long as you’re over the age of 18, it appears that you can rent a U-Haul pickup truck for $20 per day. They even drove the truck to Seattle. We believe the truck would be more comfortable for this individual and their companions.

Create fake appointments on your calendar

This person realized they could avoid doing their job by making up fake appointments in their calendar to watch Christmas movies instead. This one, on the other hand, we believe is convincing enough for almost any situation.

Create Fake Appointments On Your Calendar

Create Fake Appointments On Your Calendar

However, use it sparingly. You don’t want to be known as the person who is always in meetings but never gets anything done. Always keep in mind that with great power comes great responsibility. In fact, this would be ideal for getting out of meetings that you need but want to postpone.

Concert tickets and a laptop

We’ve all experienced how difficult it can be to win radio station contests. It’s aggravating because they usually have fantastic prices. This person and their ex-girlfriend, on the other hand, figured out a foolproof way to win every single contest.

Concert Tickets And A Laptop

Concert Tickets And A Laptop

They learned that the station would publish the songs that would be played next on their website. The couple would call and win every time they had a contest where callers had to guess what song they’d play next. They also received concert tickets as well as a laptop.

The most unethical hack for skipping work

This may be the most unethical life hack on this list, given how disruptive and contagious the COVID-19 virus is. During the pandemic, it was standard procedure for companies to test their employees’ temperatures daily before allowing them to return to work.

The Most Unethical Hack For Skipping Work

The Most Unethical Hack For Skipping Work

This person used Thermacare, a drug that raises the body’s temperature, as an excuse to skip work. As a result, they had to stay at home for two days and rest. Use this tip with caution, as you may inadvertently cause a lot of anxiety.

Get recommended by the perfect candidate

This individual was fed up with being rejected or ignored on job search websites, so they devised what can only be described as one of the most unethical tips we’ve ever seen.

Get Recommended By The Perfect Candidate

Get Recommended By The Perfect Candidate

They realized that if they created a fake profile claiming to be the ideal candidate with all of the necessary qualifications and experience, they would gain access. Of course, not directly. This phony candidate would first demand an absurdly high salary before recommending you as a better fit. You’ll have a better chance of getting an interview this way.
