Most of us had experienced missing a joke. The thing is that this kind of situation happened in real life-you’re in school with a small group of friends, someone tells a quip, you miss it, people laugh, the story ends. But life basically happens online. This implies that an awkward moment has the potential to eternalize faster than you can say “screenshot.” That’s exactly what happened to these unfortunate people who missed the joke and made remarks that became funnier than the joke itself. Some of them are innocent, some are obvious, and some are just annoying.
Their Spider-Sense was not tingling.
This is the worst nightmare for many people to deal with a loose spider in an apartment, but everyone knows that once you cover them with something like a cup, they’re pretty easy to handle.
It’s the logic behind the humorous observation of covering a giant glass with Spider-Man, but unfortunately for this person who argued that it would not work because Spidey has super strength. Their Spider-Sense wasn’t tingling enough to let them detect the joke before they left that remark.
New vegan AirPods
The internet is crowded with people who live to correct the grammar of other people. They love to do it, and they take their mission so seriously, they end up embarrassing themselves sometimes, like this guy who points out a non-existent mistake.
Have you ever heard of a pun, dear crusader of grammar? We’re sure they know the difference between “leeked” and “leaked.” There’s no need to punish the original poster for its spelling. They’re also probably aware that they’re holding a green onion, so there’s no need to comment on that either.
Stay in school, kids.
This Sodium/Na joke is super effective as it has two uses, not only does it make your friends laugh, but it also reveals who the people who did not pay close attention during the Chemistry class were.
The commentator who still asked for the joke, judging by what they wrote, is someone who sees the best in humanity, but apparently, they haven’t seen much of the periodic table. The original poster did not miss their opportunity and, in response, went “WOOOSH.”
Doing a self-woosh
Most of us have a friend who doesn’t like to use search engines. It’s not like they don’t know how to do it, but they always come to you with the most random questions for some reason, even though it would take the same time and effort if they type them into Google.
Apparently, this person has more than one friend like that because when they were asked, “what is the difference between ignorance and apathy,” they didn’t realize that their buddy delivered the punch line immediately. They noticed their mistake, at least, and did a self-woosh.
A self-assembly cake
Ah, Ikea. Enticing people with your innovative designs and affordable prices, then driving them with your complex self-assembly system and wordless instruction manuals to the brink of insanity. Why does this chair have five legs, and why are there seven different sizes of screws?
The initial poster referred to the company’s signature self-assembly system, but the commentator apparently never stepped into an Ikea. In the form of a wordless manual, should we send them an explanation for the joke?
Congratulations on your spelling skills
It’s no wonder that there are competitions based on testing individuals’ abilities, seeing as it is not easy to spell. The original poster knows that, but unfortunately, they don’t seem to share their refined sense of humor with some of their friends.
One of their contacts just *had* to correct the spelling of “congratulations” from the punch line, and we are pleased they did because the response “that’s the joke you uncultured burnt toast” is even more hilarious than the joke itself.
Captain Obvious
Captain Obvious is usually kind-hearted, but they get jokes a little slowly, so they spend a lot of their time online explaining obvious things, even though no one actually asked them for their help and advice.
Our parents raised us right, however, so let’s be polite and say, “Thank you, Captain Obvious,” for noting that “the sign means slippery roads ahead not leave rubber on the pavement.” “- We don’t know what we would without you, Captain Obvious!”
The cat’s meow
There have been several instances where well-intentioned people will go to the internet trying to find the owners of a beautiful puppy dog, or whatever, that they found lost in the woods, in all fairness to the commentator who took this post way too seriously, only to be told they just bathed a wild jackal.
But when the original poster says that the cat might be able to speak Spanish, it’s pretty clear that they’re trying to be funny, aren’t they? Well, it might be funny for the first time, but after seeing it again, it’s just cringy, or is it just me?
Forever alone
New technologies such as social media and dating apps make it so much easier for the entire court process than in the old days, but some people are too helpless and doomed to be alone forever, just like this man right here.
The woman who was flirting with him was so smooth with her joke about him looking like her first husband (wink wink), and he went and ruined it all. Her frustration was obvious, and we don’t blame her for it.
Double woosh
“Think before you speak” is a phrase that many of us learn early on in life. Remember the colorful poster with the words, “is it True? Is it Helpful? Is it Inspiring? Is it Necessary? Is it Kind?” questions in colorful letters, hanging on the classroom wall?
It’s all about lifestyle.
Our lifestyle really shapes how we see the world, and we understand from this example that it shapes our understanding of jokes as well. The original poster made a funny observation on the treadmill about the “Pringles holder,” We understood him immediately because we share the same snacky lifestyle.
The joke went woosh for the individual who reacted to them; it would seem, possibly because they’re the kind of person who eats unseasoned slices of cucumber for breakfast. However, it’s not that serious!
Dark humor is dark
Yes, some people just have this innate need to show the world just how knowledgeable they are. During the most inconvenient moments, they will do so, such as the kid who raises his hand to pick up an argument with the teacher during the final minutes of class, or the person who ruins this perfectly delivered the punch line.
The original poster was about someone who lives near Chernobyl with nine fingers on one hand. With their amazing and completely unwanted seventh art repertoire, Mister Knowledge here just had to chime in.
Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of
The “Empire State of Mind” of Alicia Keys and Jay-Z is an ode to New York, and they probably used this photo as an inspiration to write the song lyrics. By the way, “Concrete Jungle where dreams are made of” – is this even grammatically correct?
We digress. In the form of an obvious joke, the original poster gave its own ode to New York, and Captain Obvious answered the call. We like the dedication of the OP – “no, that’s new york.”
Now you see me
We wonder how (and why) remarks such as this one occur so often. This post, which is clearly a joke, is seen by the individual, and they feel it coming, that burst of obviousness that they can no longer hold within them.
“Must. Share. My obvious observation,” they realize, word by word, as they proudly type, “bruh, he is not alone; they’re just wearing camoflage.” And then they can go to sleep with a clean conscience at night, knowing that today they helped make the world a better, more obvious place.
They’re still waiting.
On this one, the Woosh is strong. The friend of this poor person teased them with a construction joke, only to tell them they’re still working on it (ba dum tss). It was just a quip, but obviously, the other side of the conversation wasn’t getting it.
Was their reaction limited to “k?” “As they save the full words when a friend ends up telling a joke. Legend says they are waiting for the day to come. Was it even worth it?
Cool story, bro!
So we’ve all seen this meme template that’s been floating around the internet for a while, always telling someone dressed as Spiderman something extremely ridiculous. Which is more amusing? The ridiculous claim, or the people actually responding to the meme?
Most memes are only made for fun or out of boredom, but sometimes the comment section is the best part. Just to be precise, for 4.603 billion years, the sun has been around, just a little more than a few million years.
Eye spy
Apart from the fact that the comment is right that bacteria can’t see, they wouldn’t be able to see your whole face even if they could… just a giant eye! If you and a friend have some binoculars, it’s the same idea, and you look through one end, and the friend looks through the other.
You wouldn’t have seen the entire face of your friend, just their eyes (if enough light was coming through the lens). That being said, if bacteria could see, would they be frightened by the giant eye above them, or would the light blind them?
Making a donkey of themselves
We’ve had brain hiccups before. This person could be someone watching a film and not paying attention to the names, but then sitting there all night trying to think about what they were. Or the mere fact that everyone has a real name but the donkey.
There was even a name for the gingerbread man (“Gingy”), but not Donkey. Well, he looks pretty much like Steven or Thomas, but Donkey? Well, we mean… it’s a kid’s movie; someone had to have the easiest name to forget, it would seem.
This has happened to all of us before, and in this case, Taylor whiffed all the way through. It can be difficult to notice puns, especially if the person telling the pun sneaks it in with a straight face. Many people say puns do some excellent puns, but they turn into “dad jokes” as they get older.
Take the terrible and cringy ones, for instance. Like, “I got hit by a soda today; thankfully, it was a soft drink.” So start practicing your puns swiftly, Taylor, before you start coming your way with the really terrible puns!
Sarcastic friend
The highest recorded IQ, first of all, is 228, held by Marilyn Vos Savant. Second, all of us can hear the sarcasm in the text; it drips positively with it. And third, because someone is there to help, some individuals actually complain about their parachute not opening.
By landing on an anthill full of angry fire ants, one individual actually survived the fall. The combined shock kept the adrenaline flowing, and her heart pounding until help came to her. She was bitten over 200 times. (Note: do not try this at home, please!)
Hole in the wall
This might be pretty insignificant, but considering the wall is perfect, the hole in the wall here is undeniable. Despite it being in perfect condition, the wall seems weak, having caved in after being punched by the door handle.
The hole just happens to be placed coincidentally right where, when opened, the door handle would be, so it’s an easy guess of what happened. Perhaps, it’s really a great rage to blame. Time to pick up a new wall!
A ‘promotion.’
We all know that working in the retail sector is extremely difficult; having to face customers for most of the day. The meme here is as sarcastic as usual, ‘promoting’ retail staff to ‘customer.’
Though we all know that this is an enjoyable way to be fired, if we were to be fired this way, we would probably laugh, too. However, some people do not seem very familiar with sarcasm. Retail employees pay attention to. Your only way out is to get ‘promoted’!
We all look at our own things in life through our own points of view. Some see the McDonald’s logo as a single piece bent into the shape of an ‘M’ from a French fry. Others see the tie of Colonel Sanders as his ‘stickman body.’
Nevertheless, regardless of whether those lines are his tie or his stickman body, we can all agree that he appears to be quite elated. So, are those people laughing at the guy who thinks that the tie is his body?
The ‘zoo.’
At some stage in our lives, we’re sure we’ve all watched at least one movie involving the main characters who are animals. These animals, however, are most often companions (such as dogs or cats) that we do not specifically need to train. What about elephants being filmed?
We’re absolutely confident in our day and age that we still do not have the technology to make such advanced movies. Therefore, we still need to train these animals manually, right? Or we might just be able to use a little bit of CGI…
Asking the big questions
Whether you’re part of Generation Z, Millennial, or Boomer, we’re all familiar with social media. It’s suitable for people of all ages, which means you may even run into your parents on social platforms if you’re lucky (or unlucky).
We understand that his comment was meant as a joke by the first commenter, calling attention to these odds’ absurdity. Honestly, though, how in the world would you know the anonymous usernames of your parents on these sites? They could be anybody… hence the completely justified paranoia!
A barking deer
Oh right, it’s entirely your friendly wild animal. Suppose he is bilingual, bonus points, complete with grunts and barks. We can see through the spotted facade, of course, and we know that it is a dog and not a deer!
It’s obvious enough, for sure, and there’s no need to point it out. It’s as good as saying, while pointing to the door, “Hey, that’s a door.” Dude, we know, we know. Just laugh it off and move on, shall we?
A perfect self-impression
Different shows show two masked singers (one of whom is the original, and one is an excellent imitator) trying to sing a certain song with their hands. The judges are trying to guess who the true singer is and who the impersonator is.
In this video, we do not think that Sacha Baron Cohen is trying to make an impression of himself. A person doesn’t ‘sound like’ themselves, after all, do they? They are merely themselves.
The latest Bluetooth technology
The existence of Bluetooth has allowed us to have seamless transmissions of data, and in our lives, it has brought about a lot of conveniences. What if we went one step further with Bluetooth? We are now able to transmit physical things, such as water, instead of transmitting data!
On one side, the fluid gets vaporized and travels as waves before being received on the other. Voila: wireless matter transmission! Unfortunately, it will take us a few (hundred) years before we can invent such innovative technology, though…
Ancient light bulbs
Surely, some people can not accept the humor in memes. We all know that hovering at such great heights is physically impossible. We know, too, that Newton also discovered the principles of gravity. But looking deeper into the meme, didn’t that guy realize there weren’t even light bulbs invented back then?
The actual flaw here is that Newton obviously changed his ceiling candles by hovering. That’s until the ‘invented’ gravity was (and only because people were abusing their hovering privileges too much and too often).
Redraw my lips
We know that cartoon characters have strange looks and features, especially on their faces. Most often, it can be a little difficult for us to tell you. But even if the art is surreal, we usually have a rough idea of what the character looks like.
Even then, we’re confident that the cartoonist who re-designed this character certainly knew what was being portrayed. The question here, then, is how is it so good for this person to design and remove the ‘mustache’… but not to realize it’s not one?
The meme-typo anomaly…
If you were a fan of any meme community, then, at some point, you must have wanted your submission to go viral. While being the next meme mastermind is almost impossible, you can strive to be a basic meme peddler on social media. Eh, it shouldn’t be that hard, right?
Perhaps you even had the right memes with the ability to take off. But sadly, there’s one mistake you make, just one silly spelling mistake. On your meme, a typo! Horror, that! Unfortunately, your meme, after such a mistake, will never go viral.
SpongeBob loves free shipping.
While it is no secret that customers love free shipping seriously, they would prefer to make a one-time larger payment for the product than paying any additional shipping fees. But in every crowd, there’s always an Anthony Hero.
This guy has figured out their tricks and knows that the same price is being paid. But what, you know? SpongeBob doesn’t like paying twice at all. He wasn’t going to spend another $2.39 on shipping. He’d prefer to buy a product for only $15. There are so many SpongeBobs out there, and online vendors know it.
Another video on reverse
This person from social media found an amazing video to watch. It’s not every day, after all, that you can watch someone put the sand back in such a soothing way. And one deserves to feel that way with all the chaos happening around the world nowadays.
Well, there’s always someone who just wants to watch the world burn. Don’t worry, internet buddy. We’re very certain that someone is actually putting the sand back like this in a parallel world where entropy runs backward (instead of messing it up).
The secrets of Area51 uncovered!
You wouldn’t be surprised if someone you knew claimed to have actually gone there if you were a believer in Area51, and you’ve been following the fuss about it. Also, you would easily recognize that they have found a way to capitalize on numbers.
You’d be surprised to know more about is how they made it back out. We have so many questions. What if the aliens are real? Why in the first place did they even come to visit? And how do you capitalize numbers? (We’re, um, asking for a friend.)
In need of fresh air…
Nothing quite like a fresh breeze in the summer. Except when you’re on a submarine, of course. The oblivious commentator had to point out, “Well, if you’re in a submarine, there’s not going to be any fresh air out there…” Yes, that’s true. Perse, there may not be any air, but did you not go to school?
Don’t you know that two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen constitute water? In fact, we do not need “air” to breathe in. We need oxygen! Get it? So go ahead and open up those windows and let the water — oh right, air — circulate.
Amateur myth-buster to the rescue
We’re all familiar with the Bermuda Triangle myth. You have to admit whether you believe in it or not, that it is an interesting notion. A mysterious place in the world where planes and ships have been found sinking frequently… what could it be? A Kraken? A wonky magnetic field?
Anyway, we don’t need to make assumptions because this YouTuber has confirmed that it’s only a myth. They’ve actually gone one step further: Bermuda itself is a false narrative! They both missed the joke and got their geography terribly wrong.
Graduates can be ugly, you know.
A pretty good excuse to do anything is to need something for a school project. Back in the day, it was code for hanging out and partying to go over to someone’s house to work on a project or research… and parents never caught on. For this joke, that’s the basis.
This guy wants an attractive face for a project at school. Hmm, get it? The other Twitter user obviously didn’t because they pointed out they weren’t in school yet. It’s a joke, bro. Please don’t take it all so literally; thank you.
Comprehension level = potato
Potatoes, on the Internet, have a pretty bad reputation. Looking off in a selfie? You’re looking like a potato. Poor resolution on a video? It was recorded on a potato. There’s nothing you understand? You’re ACTING like a potato.
So Gian S, a YouTube user, should probably have known better than to try out a joke on someone who proudly proclaimed himself a potato. Gian was trying to joke about them saying “old gf” rather than “ex gf.” The joke, of course, went over their heads! They’re like potatoes!
Misunderstandings on the Discord
This woosh moment went down on a chat with Discord, which is basically just an app for chat rooms where you can make multiple rooms for your friends to chat. You can choose an icon in the app, and Progenitus’s Token copy (don’t ask us about the name, we’re also clueless) made their icon the same color as the background.
They were complemented by someone joking, but another chat room member was a step back. Ah, someday you’ll get it, Dio. We’re not blaming you. Some people may not get it, too, don’t feel too bad.
Why so serious?
We will cut to the chase on this one and just say that we love the delicious irony in the exchange of comments. The fact that someone took a joke too seriously and commented on it to let them know they took the movie too seriously… perfect.
But seriously, how is it that you don’t realize this is a joke? Did they really think their friend was so humble that they thought their friend was actually expecting movie characters to warn them ahead of time about pandemics? Ouch, man.
Nope, you’re right
This Reddit thread started with someone making a genuine (albeit a bit dark) observation about how certain population members might have a leg up in certain combat scenarios.
Afterward, it makes sense to think it would be good to have blind and deaf people in the army. Or at least it makes sense to most people because obviously, this person didn’t really get it. We would like to point out that the first and third commentators are the same person… adding to the woosh.
Are you sure about that?
It’s an absolute Twitter classic here, and it’s a complete mess. First of all, we’re unsure whether or not the person responding to the initial tweet is joking. If they are, you definitely have woosh’d @dolphin_dom (and maybe we did too a bit). Or maybe the one being woosh’d be @rinasawayana?
Maybe both of them are joking, and it’s only us being woosh’d? Ugh, all this wooshing gives us a headache. Oh, by the way, some fruits named after colors: blackberries, golden delicious apples, blue currants…oh, and ORANGES.
The first-ever Wooshception
A post where someone misses the joke is often shared on the Internet, and everyone immediately understands where they went wrong by looking at it. In this instance… not so much. Someone with a funny caption posted a picture of Skyrim on Facebook, and their friend didn’t get the joke. Woosh.
After which, Reddit shared a screenshot of it all, and a Reddit user STILL missed the joke…double woosh. Right there, that’s a wooshception, folks. For the record: yes, it’s Skyrim. And it really is the joke.
Now that’s just cruel.
It’s one thing to tell someone a joke that they don’t get. We’ve all zoned out and missed the punchline before. But to tell a joke that someone that clowns someone as they miss out on it? Yeah, that’s just cruel.
We want to think that the person being texted has been on it all the time, but honestly, we are beginning to lose faith in the general population’s ability to understand the joke. Bless this individual for playing along, either way. It appreciates the chicken.
Oh, that’s pretty negative.
A good bout of dark humor is always appreciated. Sometimes the funniest of the most morbid jokes are… what, don’t look at us that way, you know it’s the truth. Dark humor is hilarious, well, unless you’re a sensitive person, this one is for you.
This one is obviously a joke (who would post about their friend dying on Twitter, anyway?), but someone still decided to chime in when they thought they had figured out the mystery behind the death of this (imaginary) person. Of course, the sole course of action was to respond with “welcome to the joke.” What a savage, nevertheless, answer. They were actually going for the jugular.
A thousand V-Bucks to anyone who figures out the jokes
Fortnite has become pretty much synonymous with young boys at this point. Since being released, the online shooter has absolutely exploded in popularity, and kids are almost obsessed with getting all the different skins and emotes you can buy with real money.
It’s like cards from modern Pokemon. Visa noticed this and joked about it, seeing as young children steal their parents’ cards to pay for the content in-game. This is a hilarious tweet… until someone steps in and decides to explain it. Dude, you missed the point.
There are layers to this one.
The best jokes are a bit like Russian dolls. They have layers that you can work through slowly until you get to the real center. This user made a nicely cringe-worthy dad joke (full of themselves… get it?) about the Russian doll joke, and someone else responded with an equally punny one (inside joke).
In a way, one person got one person, but never the other. This whole thread sort of feels like a Russian doll is being built and taken apart. Sometimes jokes are just that kind of thing.
That’s the whole point!
On the Internet, individuals do weird things to try to make a point by attributing it to a child. This is untrue and manipulative, but it’s mostly just strange. They usually look like the parody, full of big words and complex language, that this original poster made. A parody was the keyword in that last sentence.
They don’t want you to think that a young kid said that, as children say, they’re criticizing people who are trying to play out big quotes. Needless to say, the joke passed right over the head of the commenter.
Just couldn’t resist, eh?
We appreciate the correct spelling and proper grammar. It’s obvious. We’re writers. But the urge to correct somebody sometimes goes way too far. Typically, unless someone asks, it’s better to just keep your edits to yourself. Case by point? Right here is this screenshot.
The whole joke focused upon the “misspelling” of self, but hey, anyway, the other user felt the need to correct them. To all of you would-be spelling purists out there, let this be a lesson. And truly, they have only the shelf to blame for this embarrassing moment.
Bless the rains down in…
Toto, Africa is a favorite song on the Internet, so it’s not uncommon to see the track all over the place being referenced in memes. It doesn’t even matter at this point whether or not the love of it is ironic, as it has become insanely popular, thanks in part to the memes.
But for this, once again, we have a commentator who thinks they’re too clever to be fooled by what’s obviously a joke. Don’t take Toto seriously like that. Just bless the rains down in Africa and move on.
Wow, you don’t say!
We would just like to say it’s a quite hilarious joke. If there were a polar bear in the jungle, he would probably be a bit stupid! Got it, nice one. The person wasn’t quite as lucky to get the joke’s point in the comments, though.
On this, we have one question: how did they not get the joke… when they were browsing r/Jokes?! Several individuals are just doomed to be humorless. After this, hopefully, this person wooshed over to a comedy club to study up.
Failed flirting
This one is just sad. A Tinder conversation with a joke opens up tons of people, so we’re surprised that this person just didn’t fully understand what was happening. Are they probably new to the app? It was a compliment to the opening line, but they also did not understand that either.
Perhaps this is the first time we’ve seen a pick-up line backfire so hard that the relationship was turned off by the individual who used the line. That’s got to be some kind of world record, right?
You really should’ve; that would’ve been hilarious!
Although the French word for bread is not pronounced exactly like the word “pain” in English (it’s more like pan mixed with pawn…sorta), the spelling makes it almost impossible not to think about pain. Er, like pain, not pain. Pain the pain, not pain the bread. Ugh, you get it.
The sad face of the bread says it all already. As good as the original post is, though, the individual who misses the joke in it leaves us feeling a little sour. Like, don’t you get it, Rye? You’re causing us pain.
Wait, hold on. What?
Do you remember the last pick-up line joke from Tinder that went horribly wrong? Yeah, well, it turns out that it’s going to get even worse. This guy tried a cute little joke to make things less uncomfortable…and boy, did it not go, right?
The other person sent back a complete novel for some reason… Why shouldn’t men tell jokes? The worst part of it all is that she didn’t even realize he had said the joke before. Geez, lighten yourself up a bit. And it went totally over your head, by the way.
It’s a game of trust
It’s a dangerous game to believe the things you read on the Internet. In fact, 99 percent of the data and statistics posted on the Internet are made up entirely of some nerd sitting on their computer screen trying to be funny.
As shown by that classic Abe Lincoln quote, the level of untruth can range from a simple misquote like in the original tweet to completely made-up information. And yes, you are correct that during the presidency of Honest Abe, there was no Internet. We suppose he had to be a time traveler, then!
They’re cooking a baby
There are plenty of shocking things you can see on the web. We just can’t forget the things we saw as impressionable 12-year-olds on the web. But hey, that’s what made us today who we are. Is that a good or a bad thing? We really aren’t sure.
So, yes, there are some odd things out there. But a picture of a child refusing to be cooked? Yeah, we’re not sure if this is truly credible. It’s just a little bit shocking that someone didn’t get the joke on this one.
An incredibly racist family
They were not angry that she was black; they were angry that he cheated. And suddenly, because we’ve explained it, it’s a lot less funny. Sort of, like the individual in the comments here. We don’t need you, Reddit users, to explain this to us.
They were not angry that she was black; they were angry that he cheated. And suddenly, because we’ve explained it, it’s a lot less funny. Sort of, like the individual in the comments here. We don’t need you, Reddit users, to explain this to us.
The pains of being color blind
It’s really rough to be color blind. Maybe it’s not the world’s worst affliction, but it’s still a bit annoying. Imagine not being able, at sunset, to appreciate all the various subtle shades. Imagine not knowing whether green or red was the stoplight at an intersection.
You would have to memorize which one was which! However, with that being said, few color blind individuals actually can not tell the difference between orange and blue. Hence the joke here. This poor person didn’t get it, though, in the comments.
An amazing life full of hardships
In life, everyone out there has had to deal with their own hardships. They are bound to have struggles that only those people close to them know about, no matter how fortunate someone seems on the outside.
This individual may have seemed totally normal from the outside, for example, but they’ve actually been through a lot. Just look at this list of issues with which they had to deal! They really aren’t supposed to be alive, yet here today they are. No, seriously, after all of that, there is no way they could be alive. We’re more than impressed.
Caught by the classic camo joke
Anyone who has ever worn high school camo pants before knows that if you want to rock that pattern, you’re going to have to suffer through some jokes. “Oh, where are your legs?” “Woah, dude, your body is invisible!” Yeah, yeah, we get it. It’s a classic joke, and at this point, everybody knows it.
Well, apparently, everyone but this individual. The first person to respond to this picture of a Tesla camo car made a joke about the car being invisible, and it was totally missed by the person who responded to them. It’s almost like being camouflaged with that joke!
Ted, hiding in a castle of lies
Nothing is better than those nights when you suddenly find yourself watching TED Talks until, like, 5 in the morning. There’s something so intrusive about an expert talking about an obscure topic in depth. It’s the sort of thing for which Youtube was made. Our sleep schedule is suffering because of this, but we don’t care.
But we have always wondered: when is Ted going to reveal himself and come along to give his own speech? This Ted representative can try everything they want to persuade us that “TED” is an acronym, but we’re not buying it. Nice try.
The invention of running
This isn’t known to a lot of people, but running didn’t always exist. Right now, it’s such a normal part of our lives that it seems like it was always supposed to be around, but it was only invented in the 18th century. When he tried to walk twice, a man named Thomas Running made an incredible discovery that resulted in him running.
Let’s give him our thanks for the running-related activities of today. And the man in the comments, John Smith, actually did invent chewing, and that’s why old people will sometimes call it “smithing.” Get your facts straight.
No need for the name-calling
People who feel the need to call other people’s names on the Internet have something irritating about them. Like, all right, we get it. You’re angry because today, Doordash messed up your order. There’s no need to take that out on poor, unsuspecting users of Twitter.
When the person calling another person an idiot is, uh, not actually using his noggin in the first place, it’s even more irritating. The other poster was called an idiot by this angry Twitter user to joke about the Caesar salad invention. If they had not jumped into a rage immediately, they might have gotten a chuckle.
A message on Mars
Unfortunately, this one is a bit outdated. Without human beings landing on Mars, 2020 came and went, and we definitely didn’t discover an ancient note on the planet. But what do you think it would say if we did? Well, it’s impossible to guess, really. But we like this person’s guess.
They thought it was going to be a four-word note that said, “I never learned to count.” Get it? Because it’s about five words. And there are supposed to be four. All right, yeah, you get that. You have learned to count, unlike the person in this story. Hardy har.
A question of morality
On Twitter, this person posted about seeing three young guys assault an older man. They then felt a sense of moral responsibility to help, so they joined in and attacked the old guy with the other three guys. Someone clearly misinterpreted this joke in the comments, and they reacted by saying the person who posted the tweet was a good person.
Okay, that wasn’t the point of the joke, man. Unless they have morals that are different from us, attacking older people is a good thing. We suppose that this is really a matter of morality.